Charity Home2021-08-10T15:40:54+00:00

Gary Bergenske, Chairman
Q Foundation for Kids®


I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the outstanding support and services that the Q Foundation for Kids® performs for the Shriners’ Children. The Q Foundation provides services and support to Shriner’s children and their family while they are in the hospital due to their families being unable to financially afford the necessities of life while receiving the care the child desperately needs. Shriner’s Hospital are known worldwide for the love and care that they provide to each-and-every child that comes through their hospital doors. However, without the Q Foundation for Kids®, their families would not have housing, food, transportation and other sundry items they require to receive the services of Shriner’s Hospitals. The Q Foundation and their donors provide the children and their families with a benefit they cannot afford that will forever be remembered and cherished.


Thank you, Q Foundation for Kids® for changing the world one child at a time. God Bless you!


The Q Foundation for Kids’ purpose is to perpetuate the financial support and expand the funding provided by the Order of Quetzalcoatl and others to enable and/or assist children in achieving care in/through the Shriners Hospital for Children system, including, but not limited to, the transportation, temporary housing, meal and sundry expenses of patients, and accompanying guardians of patients, under the care of, or being evaluated for care, at The Shriners Hospitals for Children and all affiliated clinics and outreach facilities with the overriding purpose of   “Enhancing the Experience of the Shriners Child and Family”.

Because of this family approach of the Q Foundation for Kids® children who are patients at Shriners Hospitals for Children are kept together with their families during times of hospital stays when possible.  Additionally the Q Foundation for Kids® provides funds to Shriners Hospitals for Children for the purpose of transporting medical staff and capital medical equipment needed.  These efforts reach around the world.  For more information on Shriners Hospitals for Children click here;   https://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org 


Transporting young burn victim from Panama to Galveston, TX.

Shriners Hospital for Children – Mexico City Hospital. March 2018

The Q Foundation for Kids® helps to ease the stress by assisting during these most difficult times.

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