Over the past year the Q Foundation for Kids has been very busy despite the pandemic caused by COVID 19 that stopped face to face meetings most of the year. The Q Foundation Board and many of its committees continued to meet monthly by way of Zoom and conference calls. This proved to be productive.
During the year there was a focus on creating more awareness for the Foundation. A completely new website was developed including valuable information about the foundation, Q4Kids.org. Monthly and one-time donations can be done on the website now as well. The Foundations Face Book page continues to grow in fans as we push out regular information to build awareness. Donation envelopes were also developed to encourage and to make it easy to mail in a donation. A professional looking tri-fold brochure was developed to use when talking to potential donors and to again build awareness. These will be available to all Quetzalcoatl members.
During the past year the Q Foundation for Kids was pleased to assist children in need by donating monies to transport children from the countries of Cypress, Panama, and Mexico. Additionally two rooms have been set up for the housing of children and their families visiting the Shriners Mexico City Hospital. The Foundations mission of “Enhancing the Experience of the Shriners Child and Family” is exemplified through these efforts.
The Foundation Board continues to work on ways to develop more donors so more funds can be raised to assist additional children in need. It is a job that takes many to get the word out and to make contacts outside our membership. All help and assistance from Q members is appreciated. Recently we have seen more donations coming in from memorial services in memory of individuals.
I would like to thank all of the Q Foundation board members and committee members for their faithful work and commitment to moving our Foundation forward.
With best wishes and warm personal regards,
Gary Bergenske
Q Foundation for Kids